Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How To Install a Fake "Hacker" Terminal on Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Nowadays being a hacker is a skill which many envy as the world in which we currently live in is being entirely automated by computers. Although such profession requires tons of knowledge, it is highly recommended that you start somewhere. The purpose of this tutorial is to wake up those hard computer geek feelings you have been hiding for so long.

Do you want to impress your friends on social media by sharing a screenshot or a video of your Linux Terminal doing "hacking" stuff? Just like the one you have seen in hacking scene of movies with a dark terminal and a hacker that rapidly types and scrolls the multiple command output.
Well, you can do that by installing a tool called "Hollywood"

Hollywood is a terminal emulator, which mimics real time hacking, it's fun and cool but is fake.

To install the latest version of Hollywood on Ubuntu or Linux Mint open the Terminal and run the following commands.

On Ubuntu you can easily install Hollywood by typing the following command.

sudo apt install hollywood

In case the above command does not work, then try to add the ppa first like shown in the instructions below.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hollywood/ppa

sudo apt update && sudo apt install byobu hollywood
Once installed, run the following command to start.

To stop it, press Ctrl+C and then type: exit to quit the terminal.
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